torsdag 30 mars 2017

Om citat

Många gånger ser vi citat från böcker, teaterpjäser, böcker.

Visst har du hört "Att vara, eller inte vara, det är frågan", som prins Hamlet säger i en av Shakespeares pjäser.

Ett bra citat kan ge läsaren lust att läsa boken.
Citatet kan kännas som en dikt, uttrycka en känsla, ge en bild, en antydan till äventyr, ge dig funderingar och frågor...

Ett citat ska vara exakt avskrivet, t.o.m. om det finns ett stavfel i den tryckta texten, ska det vara med i citatet.
Den som skriver ett citat måste också tala om varifrån citatet kommer:
  • bokens titel
  • författare
  • sida

Några exempel:

– Nej, detta stämmer icke! Titta på den här algoritmen.
Blir det någonting utöver så blir det mandlar. Se här.
– Cashewnötter, vidhöll Kasper, säker på sin sak. 
– Mandlar! sa Jasper argt.
Ninja Timmy och de stulna skratten av Henry Tamm, s. 12

Där fick hon stå och låsa upp och låsa, låsa, låsa upp och låsa... för varje gång gav mamma henne en smäll över nacken och skrek: 
– Är det stängt nu då? Är du säker på att det är stängt? Gör om det!
En vän som heter Mia av Peter Pohl, s. 5-6

– Hon är kär i Jack, sa Julia. Edvin kunde inte hålla sig. Skrattet bara kom. Okej, att gapflabba var kanske inte det allra bästa just där, just då, det insåg han. Fast ärligt, detta var det roligaste han hört på evigheters evigheter. 
– Det är inget att skratta åt, sa Julia och försökte spänna sin strängaste blick i Edvin.
Fråga chans igen, av Marie Oskarsson, s. 88.

Snart kommer eleverna från årskurs 5 och 6 att bidra med citat från böcker de läser, har läst eller kommer att läsa. Håll ögonen öppna!

onsdag 29 mars 2017

Talking with Animals

Do you want to read stories about animals? Here are some written by six-graders.

Bildresultat för rabbit
One day I talked  to the rabbit. The rabbit was beautiful. I liked to talk to the rabbit, but the rabbit ran away.  I do not know why he ran but now I talked to him why he ran. He told me the wolf is going to eat me. I can help you so I helped him.


Talking with animals
One day a turtle, a cat and a dog were going to race. The dog said that he would win. The snail would say 1, 2, 3 and go. The turtle, the cat and the dog were ready. The snail says 1, 2 and the cat and the dog run 10 times they do it. But after they were tired and the snail said 1, 2, 3 and go and the was running and came in first place.
Don´t say that other sucks before you race them.

Tadija 6A

Talking with Animals
Once upon a time there was a wolf and a chicken.
The chicken was so ugly but also nice.
One day the wolf wanted to eat the chicken after hearing she looked good and should taste good.
So the wolf found the chicken. At first he did not believe it was the chicken his friends talked about. Then he remembered that his friends always joked about everything. 

And when the wolf remembered he did not want to eat the chicken anymore.

Lesson do not believe in everything.


Bildresultat för rävar i sverige

Talking with Animals
Once upon a time there was a girl who could speak with animals in secret. Her family was very rich and did not know that their little girl had a big powerful secret. 

One day the girl, who is called Blueshoe, walked through the forest and was playing with her friends, the animals. But what she did not know was that a thief who wanted to kidnapp her because she is rich. 

And then he took her to a red house where no one could find her. But what he did not know was that her friends, the animals, were following them and when the thief had stopped walking and turned around, the animals were attacking him until he died. 

And from that day Blueshoe was always with her best friends and lived happily ever after.


The wolf and the goat
Once there was a wolf and a goat they were really good friends.
One day the wolf was really hungry and said:auuuuu my stomach hurts of hunger. And the goat said: eat grass like me it`s really tasty.

The wolf tried to but started spiting it out. He looked at the goat and his eyes went red he wanted to eat the goat. The goat ran the fastest he could and jumped down in a cliff but did not get hurt the wolf jumped down and hitted his leg. 

The goat said to him i tough we were friends. And the wolf said to him I'm sorry, I was just soo hungry then he saw a dead rabbit laying on the ground he ate it and never again chased the goat.   

Dejan 6a

Bildresultat för a goat and a wolf

My Favourite Author, part II

Here is Part II of My Favourite Author written by pupils in 6th grade.

My favourite author is Mats Strandberg. 
He was born in 1976.

He is a Swedish author. When Mats Strandberg was 10 years he read a book and when he slept he got nightmares.
Then he liked to read about horror.

He has written three books I like.
The name of the books name are “The circle", "Fire" and "Key”. The three books are about kids who have supernatural powers.
Bildresultat för mats strandberg cirkeln

He is my favourite author because his books are exciting and the covers look exciting. It was because the cover was exciting I read it. The books are horror books.
Henry 6A

My favourite author is Mårten Melin

My favourite author is Mårten Melin. He writes books for older kids, and sometimes for younger Mårten Melin was born in December 1972. 

In 2012 he was nominated as the best kids and older kids writer. 
His book has been translated to six different languages. 
He has written many books. 
My favourite is Jävla Lucia.

Zerad T 6a

Bildresultat för mårten melinMårten Melin was born in 1972 and he is a Swedish author. 
He has written 60 books for children and young people. Of all his books, Jag är Love and Jävla Lucia are my favourites. 
Bildresultat för mårten melinMårten Melin writes poems, comics and fantasy. Mårten Melin is my favourite author because he writes about what young people feel about, fear of not fitting in. 
Last year, he visited our class and we asked questions to him and it was fun.

Madino 6A

Bildresultat för jeff kinney
My favourite author is Jeff Kinney.

He was born the 19 february 1971 in America.
Jeff has written the Diary of a wimpy kid graphic novels and they are my favourites.
He has only written them and he writes graphic novels.
I like him because the books are so funny.The newest book is Double down. I read it now.

Dejan 6A

Jeff Kinney was born in 1971 in america. He likes books. He has an older brother, sister and a younger brother.  His new book is Satsa allt. He is my favourite author because his books are very goodgreg.jpgjeff-kinney.jpg

His name is Jeff Kinney.
He is 41 years old. He is married to Julia Kinney. He has made films and 21 books and I like him. His books are fun. 
He has 2 children.

               Ett hopplöst fall (2009)Dagbok för alla mina fans: Gregs bravader (2007)Den bistra sanningen (2010)Det långa loppet (2014)Diary of a Wimpy Kid (2010)Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules (2011)Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (2012)Usla utsikter (2009)Bildresultat för wimpy kidsBildresultat för jeff kinney dagbok för alla mina fans
Abdullahi M 6A

My favorite author is Jeff Kinney. He has written a serie called Diary of a wimpy kid.

Jeff Kinney didn’t grow up wanting to be a children’s author. His dream was to become a newspaper cartoonist. Jeff Kinneys first book came out 2007 and it’s called Dairy of a wimpy kid. The books he made are in 51 different language. So he is kind of famous.

Bildresultat för jeff kinney

Mustafa 6A

onsdag 22 mars 2017

Till fots... på konserthuset

"En musikberättelse med Symfonikerna och en stor barnkör om att lämna det som en gång var ”hemma” – att gå mot något okänt för att fly något obeskrivligt. Om skavsår, hemlängtan och nya upptäckter. Och bli inte förvånad om viss musik vi får höra också har vandrat långt…"

Våra elever fick vara med om en fantastisk konsert på Konserthuset. 

Göteborgs symfoniker och med elever från förberedelseklasser från Västra Hisingen berättade om hur det är att komma som flykting eller ensamt barn till Sverige.

måndag 20 mars 2017

My favorite author, Part I

Årskurs sex har skrivit om sina favoritförfattare på engelska. Läs och bli inspirerad!

Rainbow Rowell
My favorite author is Rainbow Rowell. She was born in february 24 in year 1973 in America. So she is an american author who writes books for both adult and teenagers.

                               Bildresultat för rainbow rowell

She have also written many books, my favourites are “Eleanor & Park”, “Fangirl” and “Carry on”. 
The genre is young adult and fiction. And from 1995 to 2012 she was a columnist and ad copywriter at the “Omaha World-Herald”. Rainbow Rowell completed the first draft of her young novel “Fangirl” for “National Novel Writing Month” at 2012. And at 2013 she published “Fangirl” and “Eleanor & Park” (the other young adult novels).

                             Bildresultat för rainbow rowell books

Rainbow Rowell is my favorite author because when I read her books I feel comfortable. I can feel and think whatever I want when I read it and it’s very easy to imagine things she wrote. And I think more logical too. I don’t know how but Miss Rowells books are more amazing than any books I have ever read. I hope you guys like her books too!
Lilly  6A

Jeff Kinney
My favourite author is Jeff Kinney. He was written Diary of a wimpy kid. Jeff Kinney comes from Maryland and he was born in 1971. He is my favourite author because he`s books are fun to read. And the pictures are nice. The genre he`s written is comedy. Jeff Kinney has written eleven diary of a wimpy kid books. Jeff worked on his book for almost eight years before showing it to a publisher in New York. He started to write Diary of a wimpy kid in 1998.

/Brandon 6B

Monica Zak
My favourite author is Monica Zak. Monica Zak is one of the swedish authors. She was born 27 january 1939. She comes from Germany. She worked as a journalist. Today she is 78 year old. I like her because she is interesting and a good woman. She has written one of the swedish book, the name is pojken som levde med strutsar. The book is very exciting. The book is about one boy when he was born he lost one the beach.

One day Monica Zak come to my school and she asked questions. There were  two boys who swoons and she gave the to the two boys. The boys were Christopher and Rohan. I like Monica Zak because she is writing  books with fact. Monica Zak lives in Stockholm in Sweden.
Kausar Khan

Ingelin Angerborn
My favourite author is Ingelin Angerborn. She has written horror books and books for kids under five. A few of her books are Hjärta av damm, Sal 305, Sorgfjäril, Rum 213 and Månfågeln. One of her books has been made into a movie and that is Rum 213. 

Ingelin Angerborn is from Goteborg. She was born 1966, 9 november (50 years). Ingelin Angerborn's real name is Gunvor Ingelin Jönsson. She was married white  Nicolas Angerborn in 1998.

Ingelin Angerbor
Hanan 6B

Nina Grøntved
My favorite author is Nina Grøntvedt. She is my favourite author because her books are exciting and I understand the content. 

Nina Grøntvedt has written Hej det är jag and Happy ending liksom and Absolut okysst. My favourite book is Happy ending liksom. It's about a girl. Her name is Oda and Oda has started high school. 

My author is comes from Norway she was born June I 1979. Nina Grøntvedt is my favourite author because she writes books I like and her books are exciting. Her books are often about love and youths.


Nina Grøntvedt
Nina Elisabeth Grøntvedt she debuted as a picture book writer and illustrator with The little hero in 2006. She is a children’s author. In 2010 came the  novel: Hej det är jag. For hej det är jag she was nominated for the Brage Prize 2010 in the children’s and youths literature. 
Nina is from Trondheim She has illustration training from England and has also studied at the Norway children's institute  author education.

from: Halimo 6B

J. K. Rowling


My favorite author is J.K. Rowling. She is known for writing the Harry Potter books. The Harry Potter books have also made to films. She is a british author and she’s 51 years old. She was born in Yates, Gloucestershire. Her real name isn’t J.K. Rowling, it’s Joanne Rowling. She chose K, because of her paternal grandmother, Kathleen. 
J.K. Rowling is known for writing fantasy novels but she can also write novels for adults.

J.K. Rowling has a lot in common with the Harry Potter books. Her parents met each other for the first time in King’s Cross Station. Her birthday is on 31st July. It’s the same day as Harry Potter’s birthday.

J.K. Rowling is my favorite author because her books about Harry Potter gives me the power of imagining and they are always full of excitement and cool stuffs. When I read a Harry Potter book, I can’t stop reading it. I can spend hours on reading a Harry Potter book.



Jeff Kinney

My favourite author is Jeff Kinney.
He was born 19 february 1971.
He is an  American children's  author and developer, who is best known for his book series “ Diary of a wimpy kid ”.
The author is from the United State Of America.
He writes children's literature, graphic novel and comedy books.
Jeff Kinney is my favourite author because I love his books and I want him to write new books in the series of the “ Diary of wimpy kid “.
I have read all the Diary of a wimpy kid books and there are twelve books in total.
Diary of a wimpy kids is called Dagbok för alla mina fans in Swedish.

:-) Like
Written by/ Rohan Rahman 6B

Brian Selznick

My favourite author is Brian Selznick because in some books like The invention of Hugo Cabret and Wonderstruck there’s a lot of pictures and less text. His pictures are wonderful I think. His most famous book is Hugo Cabret. Brian is the oldest child of three children. Brian has won the Caldecott medal 2008. Brian writes Children’s picture book and Historical novels.

Books that he has written:
The Invention Of Hugo Cabret
Wonderstruck, The Marvels
The Houdini Box
The Boy Of Thousand Faces
The Robot King.

Christopher 6B

Ingela Korsell
My favourite author is Ingela Korsell. She has written the book PAX, it is about magic and two brothers. She comes from Sweden and she is an author because she likes to fantasies about  and do characters. She has written the famous PAX. She is around 50-60 years old. She is my favourite author because she makes books one can take the time to read through. It is an adventure and mystery books and it is very good to read.


Yonathan Kiros 6b

J.K. Rowling

My favourite author is J.K.Rowling. She was born 31 July 1965 in Gloucestershire in England. Her whole name is Joanne Rowling. The reason that there’s a k is because she had no middle name to use as initials so she chose k for Kathleen. And Kathleen is the name of her grandmother.

J.K.Rowling has written the books of Harry Potter and many more. Harry Potter has also been into movies and even though there are seven books there are eight movies. 

She is my favourite author because her books are amazing, every time I read one of her books it feels like I’m in the book and sometimes I even cry. J.K.Rowling writes in the genre fantasy, drama, young adult fiction, tragic comedy and crime fiction.

Caroline 6B

Camilla Lagerqvist

My favourite author is Camilla Lagerqvist. 
Camilla Lagerqvist was  born in 1967 and is 49 year old. Camilla Lagerqvist is an author and journalist. She has written eight books. Camilla Lagerqvist comes from Sweden. She was born in Uppsala. she is my favorite author because she writes horror books. Camilla genre is teenage books and novels.My favourite book of Camilla Lagerqvist is “Den vita döden”. Because it is exciting and scary.

From Shariifo 6B